<i>I want people to feel. Anything.</i> — Bruno Baraldi and his evocative, retro aesthetic

Dec 08, 2020Aiden Duffy
I want people to feel. Anything. — Bruno Baraldi and his evocative, retro aesthetic

What happens when you combine wild cityscapes and space-age visions with 1950s domesticity, the divine feminine, and the beauty of the natural world? 

For one answer to this question, look no further than the surrealism of Bruno Baraldi. The artwork speaks for itself with gripping visuals that invite the viewer over and over again to explore worlds that are at once strikingly familiar and strikingly otherworldly. 

We loved his work so much that we asked if we could use a piece of his artwork on our limited edition Chardonnay, and he agreed.

This week, we got to catch up with this wonderful human being and ask some things we wanted to know. Now, we share them with you. Without any further ado, we present the marvelous Bruno Baraldi.

First off, tell us about yourself! Who are you? Where are you? What’s something interesting people might not know about you?

Hi Nomadica family! I'm Bruno! I live in Brazil in a small city near São Paulo called Taubaté. A fun fact: my city is famous in Brazil cause a woman who lives here faked to be pregnant with 4 kids. She went to TV and everything. And it ended up that she used a giant plastic ball underneath her dress to fake her giant belly. Not only that, but chickens in collars like they're pets on the sidewalks can be seen here. Yeah... wild city. I guess growing up here already gave me the surreal vibes! Lol!


Your work has been described as “nostalgic surrealism,” combining wild imagery of outer-space, cityscapes, the female form, 1950s domestic life, the natural world, and more. Can you tell us about your work / style? How did it come to be?

There is something about that retro/vintage aesthetics that always stays fresh on our minds and it's pleasant to the eyes. I try to mix what is modern today while staying truth to that identity. Even if it's a cut from something new, I do all I can to make it look older.



What is your creative process like? How does it start? Where do your ideas and images come from? Is your process different from piece to piece, or are there steps you usually follow?

It really depends. I guess it never stops, so it really never starts. In my mind I'm always creating. Last year I had a breakup and I was in his city, far from home, so I couldn't leave. Immediately, in my mind, 'Heartless' was created, still while I was there! And then when I came back home, I just sat on my computer and transformed it into "reality". There is always a story, a situation, a feeling, something that I want to express. Well, almost always. Sometimes I just create things that are simply cool to look at, no huuuuge meaning behind it — and that's ok! Not all tattoos means something, right?! The only thing I do in every piece I create is applying a photoshop action I've created in the end of every creation!


Who has inspired you creatively over the years? Are there artists or people you return to again and again for inspiration?

Wow, tooooons of people! @mr.babies and @eugenia_loli were defenitely the first ones. I always loved photoshopping so when in 2014 I came across their work, I thought: "I know how to do this!". Everything happened then! A few more inspirational people to me: Ariel Costa, Peppermint, Grace Jones, Connan Mockasin, CocoRosie, Lady Gaga, @howiewonder, @tiagolopo, @ericamizutani...


When you look over your body of work, is there a message you hope to get across to your audience? Is there anything you hope to communicate?

I want people to feel. Anything.

What are you up to now with your work? Any big projects? In a previous interview with The Plus, you said you’d like to spread your art into the streets, creating a giant public collage. Has there been any motion on this project?

Still haven't moved forward with that one I'm afraid. Hi Miss Rona! This is still something I want to achieve!  Couldn't go out in the city BUT got in touch with some cool people to make it happen! :) I usually work with musicians creating their single/albums artworks and vinyls and all these cool things! In 2020 I had the opportunity to work on movie posters so that was a great accomplishment too! Oh, and have you seen Nomadica's Pride Can?! I've made that too! ;)


We are in a very unusual era with the global pandemic. Has the pandemic impacted or influenced your work or processes over the last several months? How?

Yes. Defenitely. At least 1 out of 5 days the pandemic was automatically in my mind before I started my creative proccess. I just had to let all out about what I was feeling. If you go through my IG, there's a lot of Covid related artworks! I guess it affected every creative in a certain way... and that's how art changes forever!




One of our priorities at Nomadica is to build bridges between art, wine, and community. What role do you see community playing in your work? 

Every role! I almost feel like It's my calling to do this. To converse with people through visuals. A very cool situation with "Atômica" happened too, where someone saw it and told me "This is exactly what I've been feeling". And it was one of these things I can't really describe... I just wanna keep doing this!


Last question: Where can people find you? How can they get in touch?

Peeeeople can find me on Instagram and Instagram only for now! @takiisbranding and oh! I also looove electronic music, and I can be found on mixcloud too! With tooons of cool mixtapes. I know you'll like it! I know it!! mixcloud.com/takimuzik